Feb 13, 2017
Most career transition advice have you focusing either building specifics skills or following certain tried-and-true tactics to make sure someone chooses you, but I have argued that making the right decision on where you should apply to is just as important. Here's some unconventional and practical tactics for increasing your probability of getting an interview.
Feb 3, 2017
Doing emails feel like work, but email not work. Email is meta-work: task is meant to enable further productivity. However, email often steals away valuable time instead. Getting stuck on the email hamster wheel have negative impacts...
Nov 9, 2016
Doing nothing is always an option. It’s not always a popular option, but it often gets overlooked as an option at all. Especially in times of crisis, the instinct to act is so great that we often forget doing nothing may be the best option. Before you jump into evaluating all of the possible solutions to your problem, it’s worth asking yourself: do you need to take action at all?
Nov 1, 2016
How should you think about your path towards a dream job? Coaching people through a job offer decision is among the request I receive most frequently from my network (second only to “how do I become a Product Manager?”).
Jan 25, 2015
As a Product Manager, picking the right metrics may be the single most important thing you’ll do for your product. This is an introduction to the basics of metrics, what it is, and why it matters.


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