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May 10, 2019
While not all teams that rally around a single business-focused metric will become myopic, it’s not difficult to imagine how easily this becomes the case. Managing against the “one metric that matters” runs the risk of tunnel vision while everything else suffer. This is the double-edged sword of metrics that gives rise to their unintended consequences.
Oct 10, 2017
Every groundbreaking product starts with a clear, strategic vision. Learn how this skill can guide you and your team toward success.
May 8, 2017
Developing metrics from scratch can be incredibly daunting, precisely because there is so much at stake. Unless you work in an industry where standard metrics are widely accepted (such as in gaming, e-commerce, or retail), metrics are anything but trivial. I've developed a mental model & framework you can use for new products, existing products, and even PM interviews.